GarBots - Robot programming game for Palm

GarBots v1.6
HaresWARE Development
Copyright 2003 All rights reserved


GarBots is a robot programming game. A subset of the BASIC language is used to program your GarBot for battle. Program GarBots and hold tournaments to optimize your best GarBot. Then you can use GarBots Beam or Export features to exchange your best GarBots (in secure mode) for battle with a friend. Use available commands to make your GarBot move around the arena, search for opponents, and take offensive and defensive action to win the battle.

The term - 'the interpreter' is used in this document, and refers to the internal modules of GarBots that interpret GarBot code and execute instructions. The GarBots BASIC interpreter is referred to as 'BASIC like' because of its extremely limited implementation compared to versions of BASIC that many people are familiar with. But, the interpreters functionality should be at least minimally suitable for developing quality GarBots.


  • GarBots will run fully functional for 15 days.

Updates - Bug fixes and minor improvements will be downloadable at no extra cost when available.


  • PalmOS 3.5 device, B&W or Color.
  • MathLib


General programming rules
Language reference
GarBot functions
Battle Arena
User interface

General programming rules:

  • White space is perfectly acceptable, including line-feeds, spaces, and tabs.
  • The GarBots language is not case sensitive.
  • When your GarBot is out of power, it is out of the game.
  • Power is lost by the accumulation of damage from being fired upon.
  • Functions that take no arguments are terminated with parentheses, as you will see throughout this document.
  • Simple math functionality is provided for. For example the symbols +, -, *, / are implicitly implemented, but it is best to explicitly specify precedence of mathematical operators with the use of parenthesis.
  • There is a limit of 100 labels for use in GOTO and GOSUB statements.
  • Flow control constructs are nest-able. That is to say that you can embed IF within IF statements, WHILE within WHILE statements, FOR, and GOSUB statements too.



Language Reference
Math functions



- You are limited to 26 variables, and they are restricted to labels A thru Z.
- Only integer type variables are supported. No floating point or string variable assignments are supported.

language reference

ARENAX - Size of the arena in the X direction, with left representing 0
ARENAY - Size of the arena in the Y direction, with top representing 0
DAMAGERAD - Damage Radius - When a shell explodes, any GarBot within DAMAGERAD from the bomb will incur damage. The damage imposed is a factor of the bots distance from the explosion (but still within DAMAGERAD distance)
SCANRAD - Scan Radius - The range of a scan, i.e. a scan will not see another GarBot or drone that is > than SCANRAD distance away.
MAXLIFE - This is the amount of life that all bots involved in a battle are granted.
DRIVESTEP - DRIVE commands which specify a distance greater than DRIVESTEP are broken into multiple commands that fit within the DRIVESTEP value.


x = (ARENAX / 2) ' sets x to one half of ARENAX

language reference

REM - represents a program comment. A comment can also be done with a simple quote or (') mark. Any text that appears after the REM or ' will be ignored by the interpreter, up to the next linefeed.


REM this is a comment

language reference

PRINT - prints a message to the output area of the arena. Variables, and constants can be appended to the print statement with a comma


PRINT "variable a = ", a


Printing the return value of a function must be done in a two step process. First assign the return value to a variable, and then use the variable in PRINT statement as shown in the example. Mathematical expressions are permitted provided that they are bracketed in parentheses.

language reference

GOTO - Causes execution to jump to the specified label


x = 1
PRINT "x = ", x
x = x + 1
GOTO 100

This example would obviously result in an endless loop which does nothing but print the value of x and increment.

language reference


- Must end with ENDIF
- Conditional operators include
> Greater than
< Less than
= Equal
>= Greater than or equal
<= Less than or equal
!= Not equal


IF x > 0 THEN
f = FIRE 45 x
DRIVE 180 20


IF x = 1 THEN
REM do something

language reference


- Must end with NEXT
- Conditional operators include
> Greater than
< Less than
= Equal
>= Greater than or equal
<= Less than or equal
!= Not equal


x = POSX()
DRIVE 180 10
x = x - 10


WHILE true
' Your instructions go here

This last WHILE example should be used as the main instruction loop of your GarBot so that it will continue to run until the end of the game.

language reference


- Must end with NEXT
- Conditional operators include
> Greater than
< Less than
= Equal


FOR x = 0 TO 10
FOR y = 0 TO 10
PRINT "x ", x, " y ", y

language reference

GOSUB RETURN - Causes program execution to branch to the specified label. Execution will resume from the point of the branch upon RETURN statement


IF x > 0 THEN

PRINT "Reached GOSUB 100"
s = SCAN 0 90
f = s
WHILE f > 0
f = FIRE 30 s
IF f = 0 THEN
f = FIRE 60 s
PRINT "Returning from GOSUB 100"

This example would print the following:

Before GOSUB
Reached GOSUB 100
Returning from GOSUB 100

language reference

END - Causes your GarBot to terminate execution. You probably shouldn't use this statement, or if you do, do it at the very end of your program.

language reference

Math functions - The following math functions are supported but are not implemented as floating point values at this time, and are therefore of limited use. Values returned as in degrees.
COS - Cosine
SIN - Sine
SQRT - Square Root
TAN - Tangent
ATAN - Arctangent
ASIN - Arc-sine
ACOS - Arc-cosine


x = SQRT 9

language reference

MIN - Returns the smaller value of two arguments


x = POSX()
x = x + 10

This example would set x to which ever value is smaller, x or ARENAX

language reference

MAX - Returns the larger value of two arguments


x = POSX()
x = x - 10

This example would set x to which ever value is larger, x or ARENAX

language reference

ABS - Returns the absolute value of an argument. In other words, negative values are converted to positive.


x = SCAN 80 100 ' for example, scan detects a wall and returns -10
IF x < 0 THEN
x = ABS x
DRIVE 90 x

This example would convert x from -10 to 10, and then drive right up against the southern wall of the arena

language reference

RAND - Returns a random value no larger than the argument supplied.



This example would set x to a random value between 0 and ARENAX

language reference

RTOP - Rectangular To Polar - Converts rectangular coordinates into polar coordinates. Upon return, the two variables passed in to RTOP will contain the angle in the first argument, and the distance in the second argument. Because results are returned in the variables that are passed in, It is required that arguments to RTOP be passed in as variables rather than constants. It is also important to understand that the variables passed in to RTOP will no longer contain their original values, so if they are important to your program, you will have to save those values before calling RTOP.


RTOP x y

This example establishes an absolute position inside the arena, and then uses RTOP to calculate the required angle and distance from the GarBots current location to the absolute position specified.

language reference

PTOR - Polar To Rectangular - Converts polar coordinates into rectangular coordinates. Upon return, the two variables passed in to PTOR will contain the X position in the first argument, and the Y position in the second argument. Because results are returned in the variables that are passed in, It is required that arguments to PTOR be passed in as variables rather than constants. It is also important to understand that the variables passed in to PTOR will no longer contain their original values, so if they are important to your program, you will have to save those values before calling PTOR.


a = RAND 360
PTOR a d

PTOR is probably of limited use in GarBots, but is implemented for completeness.

language reference

GarBot Functions - The following functions are for controlling your robot




POSX - Obtain your X coordinate in the arena
POSY - Obtain your Y coordinate in the arena


x = POSX()
y = POSY()

GarBot functions


POWER - Returns the amount of power a GarBot has.

Example - This example would return how much power a GarBot has

p = POWER()

GarBot functions


DAMAGE - This function should no longer be used, but is maintained for backwards compatibility.

GarBot functions


DRIVE - Causes your GarBot to move according to specified angle and distance.

Example - The following example would cause your GarBot to move in the Zero direction (East) by 20 miles.

DRIVE 0 20

GarBot functions


SCAN - Scans between a specified start and end angle for any opponent GarBots.

  • Returns zero (0) if nothing is found.
  • Returns a negative number indicating a wall was scanned, If a wall was scanned, you should use the ABS (or Absolute) command to determine the distance to the wall in a positive value.
  • Returns a positive value to indicate an opponent GarBot or drone was found. The value returned indicates the distance to the opponent. There is no information available indicating at what exact angle within the start and end scan angles the opponent was found. Therefore, while scanning a large angle would cover more area, you would have less information on what angle to FIRE a shell.

- You can scan for a maximum of 90 degrees in any one scan. If needed, the end angle will be adjusted to conform.

- The insertion point of all GarBots is the GarBot upper left corner. A scan will only find an opponent GarBot if the opponents insertion point falls within the scan area. While watching this can be deceptive since a GarBot who gets part of its visible area scanned will not return a hit unless its insertion point is within the scan.


s = SCAN 30 60
IF s > 0 THEN
FIRE 45 s

REM Note that ELSEIF is not supported

IF s < 0 THEN
REM Change direction

GarBot functions


FIRE - Fires a shell at a specified angle and distance.

Returns the amount of damage imposed on the target GarBot. The more direct a hit, the more damage is imposed.

Note that there may be more than one GarBot within DAMAGERAD of the explosion (Including the GarBot delivering the shot), and the value returned represents the damage imposed on only one of those GarBots even though all GarBots within DAMAGERAD of the shell will receive damage. A GarBot FIRE-ing can impose damage on itself if it fires at a range less than DAMAGERAD.


f = FIRE 45 s

GarBot functions


Arena - The arena size is defined by the constants ARENAX and ARENAY, with top left representing 0,0 and bottom right representing ARENAX, ARENAY
Angles - Angles are oriented as follows

225 270 315
\ | /
\ | /
180 --- o --- 0 (East)
/ | \
/ | \
135 90 45

GarBot functions

There are four main screens of GarBots. They are:

Main Screen
Log View
Statistics View


Main Screen - Prepare for battle

This screen has a table displaying all of your GarBots, with some extra information.

Table Columns

  • In the first column is a checkbox. If the checkbox is checked, then that GarBot is marked to compete in the next battle.
  • The second column is also a checkbox. This checkbox allows you to suppress the logging output from that GarBot. This is useful for debugging purposes, clearing the clutter if too many GarBots are printing log messages.
  • The third column is on screen icon that the GarBot will use during a battle. Click on it to display the Icon Editor dialog.
  • The next column is used to edit a GarBot. Click on this column to switch to the editor.
  • The final column is the GarBots name. From some functionality, such as Delete, or Beam require that a GarBot be selected. Click on this column to select (highlight) a GarBot.

Other controls

  • Lets get it on - Starts the battle.
  • Drone Garbots - Choose the number of drone GarBots you want to participate in the match. A drone GarBot does nothing except sit in one spot and act as a target. You can have a maximum of 25 drones in a battle. Note that as of v1.6.0 of GarBots, that you do have the option of wandering drones.



  • New - Lets you create a new GarBot. While naming the new GarBot, you will have the choice of creating the GarBot with a skeleton program, or just blank.
  • Clone - This lets you copy a GarBot so you can make changes for testing if you wish.
  • Delete - deletes a GarBot selected from either list.
  • Beam - You can beam (or receive) a GarBot to another persons device to include in a battle. When a GarBot is beamed, it is marked as un-readable on the receiving device so the GarBots editor will not give away your secrets to your opponent.
  • Export - This is another way of sharing your GarBots. Export differs from Beam in that instead of beaming a GarBot to another device, it creates a temporary PDB file on your device, containing the GarBots exported source code (also secured). The idea here, is that after exporting a GarBot, you should immediately HotSync so that the newly created PDB file will become available on your computers hard drive - in the HotSync programs backup directory for your device. The file will have the same name as the exported GarBot with a PDB extension. And once located, it can be website uploaded, downloaded, emailed, or distributed in any other way you might want to distribute a file. To import a GarBot from a web-page, or email, etc. simply select the GarBot file for HotSync (as you would do when installing any other PDB or PRC file) and GarBots will automatically find and import the GarBot without any other interaction required by the user. Also note, that GarBots are available from developers at both the official GarBots website and from the official users group


  • Log - Brings up the log view. Read on for further details on this.
  • Stats - View the battle statistics from your last battle. More details on this follow


  • Debugger - This is where you setup the debugger. More details on this follow
  • Preferences - View and modify preferences. More details on this follow


  • Language - A help system for quick reference for syntax etc.
  • Help - Splash screen


user interface

Edit Screen - Edit your GarBot code.

  • Font - Navigate the menu to Setup / Preferences to toggle between normal and small font.
  • Toolbar - controls across the top right side of the screen, from left to right are as follows.

    Shift Indicator / Line number / Cut / Copy / Paste / Undo / Toggle Bookmark / Goto Bookmark / Insert Tab / Close

    For detailed description, open the editor, and navigate the menu system to Help / Toolbar

user interface

Preferences - There are several preferences you can set - Menu Setup / Preferences

Small Editor Font - Just as it says, the editor uses a small font, allowing you to see more of your code at one time.

Collect Battle Stats - When checked, statistics will be collected for battles. After a battle is over, navigate the menu to View / Stats to view the statistics.

Wandering Drones - When checked, drones will wander aimlessly around the arena, providing a slightly greater challenge.

Battle Time Limit - Zero here indicates no time limit is imposed. Values of between 1 and 255 indicate how many minutes a battle should last in the event that there is no 'last GarBot standing'

user interface

Configuration - After pressing the 'Lets get it on' button, you will have a chance to configure certain aspects of the battle. In fact, by tapping on the screen at any time during a battle, you have a change to make changes to the configuration. (Available only from the battle field screen, at the start of a battle or by taping the screen during a battle)

Popup kill message - During a battle, a message will popup notifying the user of a kill only if this checkbox is checked.

Disable Auto Off - Blocks the device auto off feature. Allows you to watch the match without the device turning off. This always defaults to off since it can drain your devices power if left unattended. Note that if you have Popup kill message checked, then the device might turn off while a popup is open

Power transfer - If checked, GarBots will gain in power by the amount of damage the inflict on opponents. A GarBot damaging itself will still lose power.

Battle Speed - Choose an execution speed between 1 and 255. The lower the number, the faster the Battle runs.

DAMAGERAD - This indicates how large of an area an explosion will damage. Any value between 1 and 40 can be used, and the larger the number, the bigger the explosion. But be careful, you can easily wind up getting caught in your own explosion.

SCANRAD - This controls how far ahead a SCAN command can see. Any value between 1 and 150 is valid, and the higher the number, the farther your scans will see.

MAXLIFE - This value controls how much 'life' the GarBots receive when the battle begins. Valid range between 1 and 64000. The higher the value, the more life your GarBots start with. If you change this value in the middle of a battle, all GarBots life will be reset with the new value. Note that due to the Power transfer feature, that a GarBot can actually accumulate more power than specified by MAXLIFE.

user interface

Arena Screen - This is where the battle takes place.

Upon entering the arena, you will see all the participating GarBots and drone GarBots drawn on the screen and a Dialog box giving the options Go, Cancel, Configure (See Configure section). Pressing the Go button starts the battle. Taping on the screen will give you the choice of terminating the match early, resuming, or Configure..

There is a small area at the bottom of the arena where messages are printed as a result of a PRINT statement in any GarBot source code.

When the battle ends due to user intervention or because only one GarBot remains standing, the program will return to the Setup Screen

user interface

Log View Screen - View the output (PRINT statements) that GarBots produced during a battle, including syntax error messages from the interpreter. Menu - View / Log

The Log View is cleared from the previous battle at the beginning of each battle.

user interface

Statistics View Screen - View the statistics from a battle. Note that you must enable the collection of statistics by navigating the menu system to Setup / Preferences and toggle the Collect Battle Stats checkbox. Menu - View / Stats

After a battle is complete, navigate the menu to View / Stats to view statistics.

Battle statistics are ranked in the following order:

  • The order of defeat is primary. The last bot standing wins, the first bot defeated is last.

In the vent of a timeout or a user-quit, the rankings are calculated using the following fields in order of

  • priority.
  • Number of kills
  • Power remaining
  • Shot to hit ratio

For example - If, by the end of a timed game, there are two GarBots alive with 2 kills each, Power Remaining is used to decide rank. In the unlikely event that there is still a tie for a rank, Shot-to-hit ratio is used.

The Statistics View is cleared from the previous battle at the beginning of each battle.

user interface

Debugger - The built in interactive debugger allows you to step through your program, one line at a time, examine values, and even modify values. Menu - Setup / Debugger


In order to debug a GarBot, you must first set up the debugger. Navigate the menu system to Setup / Debugger. The debugger setup dialog will appear. This dialog consists of a drop down list where you can select the GarBot you want to debug. Note that only GarBots marked as a battle participant will appear in the drop down list.

Below the drop down list, you will find a checkbox marked Enable Debugger. This checkbox must be checked for debugging to work.

Finally, a field marked Breakpoint Line allows you to set which line of code you want the debugger to break on during execution. Figure out which line you want to start examining your code, and enter the line number in this field. Remember that in the editor, you can see what line your cursor is on, so you don't have to count lines or anything.


  • If a breakpoint is set on a blank line, or a rem statement, the debugger will not break until it reaches the next valid line of code.
  • A breakpoint set on a label will not break. A label is some number used as a target of a GOTO or a GOSUB
  • Debugger setup settings are saved only until you quit your GarBots session and run another program.


Having setup the debugger, you can now start the battle. When your GarBots code execution reaches the line you specified, the debugger dialog will popup, pausing the battle. Note that if you set the break point on a line that never gets executed, the debugger dialog will never pop up. Once the debugger dialog pops up, you will notice several buttons.

Edit field / Watch / Update / Step / Run / Quit / Help

  • Edit Field - The debugger will display values of variables or constants that you want to Watch. This is also where you will give a value for the Update command.
    Watch - Highlight a variable or constant, and press the Watch button. The value of that variable will appear in the Edit Field.
  • Update - Enter a value in the Edit Field, select a variable (constants are read-only) to update, and press the update button. The variable will now contain the new value.
  • Step - Pressing this button causes the next line of your program to be executed. Note the line pointers on the left of the dialog that indicate the breakpoint line and the current line of execution.
  • Run - Causes execution to proceed as normal until either the battle ends, or the breakpoint is reached again.
  • Quit - Causes execution to proceed as normal. The debugger will not break into your code whether or not the breakpoint is reached again.
  • Help - Describes the controls discussed here.

user interface

  Copyright(c)2005, by Scott Hares, All Rights Reserved.